Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


FilesInfos InfosWarnings WarningsErrors Errors


FileLength0Errors Error
NewlineAtEndOfFile0Errors Error
AbstractClassName0Errors Error
AnnotationUseStyle0Errors Error
AnonInnerLength5Errors Error
ArrayTypeStyle1Errors Error
AvoidInlineConditionals0Errors Error
AvoidStaticImport0Errors Error
ClassDataAbstractionCoupling4Errors Error
ClassFanOutComplexity2Errors Error
ClassTypeParameterName0Errors Error
ConstantName9Errors Error
CovariantEquals3Errors Error
DeclarationOrder15Errors Error
DefaultComesLast0Errors Error
DescendantToken0Errors Error
DesignForExtension3Errors Error
DoubleCheckedLocking0Errors Error
EmptyBlock0Errors Error
EmptyForInitializerPad0Errors Error
EmptyForIteratorPad0Errors Error
EmptyStatement0Errors Error
EqualsAvoidNull0Errors Error
EqualsHashCode2Errors Error
ExecutableStatementCount13Errors Error
ExplicitInitialization5Errors Error
FallThrough0Errors Error
FinalClass0Errors Error
FinalLocalVariable45Errors Error
FinalParameters35Errors Error
GenericWhitespace0Errors Error
  • ignoreConstructorParameter: "true"
  • ignoreSetter: "true"
2Errors Error
HideUtilityClassConstructor0Errors Error
IllegalCatch7Errors Error
IllegalImport0Errors Error
IllegalInstantiation0Errors Error
IllegalThrows0Errors Error
IllegalTokenText0Errors Error
IllegalType3Errors Error
Indentation15Errors Error
InnerAssignment0Errors Error
InterfaceIsType0Errors Error
JUnitTestCase0Errors Error
JavaNCSS7Errors Error
LeftCurly0Errors Error
LocalFinalVariableName11Errors Error
LocalVariableName9Errors Error
MemberName10Errors Error
MethodName0Errors Error
MethodParamPad0Errors Error
MethodTypeParameterName0Errors Error
MissingCtor0Errors Error
MissingDeprecated0Errors Error
MissingOverride0Errors Error
ModifierOrder0Errors Error
MultipleStringLiterals10Errors Error
MultipleVariableDeclarations0Errors Error
MutableException0Errors Error
NPathComplexity4Errors Error
NeedBraces0Errors Error
NoClone0Errors Error
NoFinalizer0Errors Error
NoWhitespaceBefore0Errors Error
OperatorWrap2Errors Error
OuterTypeNumber0Errors Error
PackageAnnotation0Errors Error
PackageDeclaration0Errors Error
PackageName0Errors Error
ParameterName16Errors Error
ParameterNumber0Errors Error
ParenPad2Errors Error
RedundantImport0Errors Error
RedundantModifier14Errors Error
RedundantThrows0Errors Error
RightCurly0Errors Error
StaticVariableName0Errors Error
SuperClone0Errors Error
SuperFinalize0Errors Error
SuppressWarnings0Errors Error
ThrowsCount1Errors Error
TodoComment0Errors Error
TypeName0Errors Error
TypecastParenPad0Errors Error
  • excludedClasses: "OpenLogViewerApp"
1Errors Error
UpperEll0Errors Error
VisibilityModifier10Errors Error
WhitespaceAfter19Errors Error
WhitespaceAround125Errors Error
MagicNumber141Errors Error
UnusedImports0Errors Error
AvoidStarImport0Errors Error
NoWhitespaceAfter0Errors Error
BooleanExpressionComplexity0Errors Error
CyclomaticComplexity10Errors Error
MethodLength0Errors Error
MissingSwitchDefault1Errors Error
ModifiedControlVariable4Errors Error
NestedTryDepth0Errors Error
ParameterAssignment1Errors Error
SimplifyBooleanExpression0Errors Error
SimplifyBooleanReturn0Errors Error
StringLiteralEquality0Errors Error
  • max: "160"
4Errors Error
  • max: "2"
7Errors Error
ReturnCount5Errors Error



ErrorsClass Data Abstraction Coupling is 27 (max allowed is 7) classes [ActionListener, ArrayList, BorderLayout, CSVFileFilter, CSVTypeLog, Dimension, EntireGraphingPanel, File, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, FreeEMSBin, FreeEMSBinFileFilter, FreeEMSFileFilter, FreeEMSLAFileFilter, JFileChooser, JMenu, JMenuBar, JMenuItem, JPanel, LogFileFilter, MSTypeFileFilter, OptionFrameV2, PlayBarPanel, Properties, PropertiesPane, Runnable, WindowEvent].77
ErrorsClass Fan-Out Complexity is 42 (max allowed is 20).77
ErrorsDeclaring variables, return values or parameters of type 'AbstractDecoder' is not allowed.115
ErrorsExecutable statement count is 49 (max allowed is 30).119
ErrorsNCSS for this method is 65 (max allowed is 50).119
Errors'600' is a magic number.127
Errors'420' is a magic number.127
ErrorsVariable 'wev' should be declared final.155
ErrorsUncommented main method found.229
ErrorsAnonymous inner class length is 35 lines (max allowed is 20).230
ErrorsVariable 'currentLocale' should be declared final.234
ErrorsCyclomatic Complexity is 17 (max allowed is 10).267
ErrorsExecutable statement count is 46 (max allowed is 30).267
ErrorsNCSS for this method is 54 (max allowed is 50).267
ErrorsNPath Complexity is 312 (max allowed is 200).267
ErrorsLine is longer than 160 characters.331
ErrorsName 'AppWide' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.348
ErrorsName 'AppWideFile' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.349
ErrorsName 'AppWide' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.363
ErrorsName 'AppWideFile' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.364
ErrorsName 'AppWide' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.379
ErrorsName 'AppWideFile' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.380
ErrorsName 'AppWide' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.393
ErrorsName 'AppWideFile' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.394
ErrorsName 'IOE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.414
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.427
Errorsmethod call child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 20434
Errorstry child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 20434
Errorsmethod call child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 20435
Errorstry child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 20435
Errorsmethod call child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 20436
Errorstry child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 20436
Errorsmethod call child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 20437
Errorstry child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 20437
Errorsmethod call child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 20438
Errorstry child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 20438
Errorsmethod call child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 20439
Errorstry child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 20439
Errorsmethod call child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 20440
Errorstry child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 20440
Errorstry child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 20441
ErrorsCatching 'Exception' is not allowed.442
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.442
ErrorsVariable 'ge' should be declared final.454
ErrorsVariable 'gs' should be declared final.455
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.468
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.469
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.469


ErrorsExecutable statement count is 84 (max allowed is 30).71
ErrorsNCSS for this method is 103 (max allowed is 50).71
ErrorsVariable 'zoom' should be declared final.234
ErrorsVariable 'zoomedOut' should be declared final.235
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.236
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.236
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.237
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.237
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.241
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.241


Errors'0.25F' is a magic number.45
Errors'0.5F' is a magic number.46
Errors'0.75F' is a magic number.47
Errors'8' is a magic number.49
Errors'128' is a magic number.49
Errors'4' is a magic number.62
Errors'0.25' is a magic number.67
ErrorsControl variable 'found' is modified.82


Errorscovariant equals without overriding equals(java.lang.Object).90
ErrorsDefinition of 'equals()' without corresponding definition of 'hashCode()'.94
Errorscovariant equals without overriding equals(java.lang.Object).94


ErrorsName 'initialLength' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.35
ErrorsName 'loadFactor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 160 characters.57
ErrorsCatching 'Exception' is not allowed.58


ErrorsName 'initialLength' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.42
ErrorsName 'loadFactor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.43
ErrorsStatic variable definition in wrong order.67
ErrorsStatic variable definition in wrong order.78
ErrorsStatic variable definition in wrong order.89
ErrorsStatic variable definition in wrong order.109
Errors'100' is a magic number.111
Errors'100' is a magic number.112
Errors'640' is a magic number.113
Errors'32768' is a magic number.114
Errors'100' is a magic number.115
Errors'100' is a magic number.116
Errors'1000' is a magic number.117
Errors'100' is a magic number.118
Errors'32768' is a magic number.119
Errors'100' is a magic number.120
Errors'512' is a magic number.129
Errors'512' is a magic number.130
Errors'32768' is a magic number.131
Errors'1250' is a magic number.134
Errors'100.0' is a magic number.135
Errors'32768.0' is a magic number.135
Errors'1250' is a magic number.136
Errors'1250' is a magic number.137
Errors'1250' is a magic number.138
Errors'1250' is a magic number.139
Errors'50' is a magic number.140
Errors'1250' is a magic number.141
Errors'8' is a magic number.168
Errors'6000' is a magic number.190
Errors'32' is a magic number.196
ErrorsCyclomatic Complexity is 18 (max allowed is 10).223
ErrorsExecutable statement count is 74 (max allowed is 30).223
ErrorsNCSS for this method is 90 (max allowed is 50).223
ErrorsNested if-else depth is 3 (max allowed is 2).265
ErrorsNested if-else depth is 4 (max allowed is 2).266
ErrorsNested if-else depth is 3 (max allowed is 2).280
ErrorsCatching 'Exception' is not allowed.312
ErrorsCyclomatic Complexity is 19 (max allowed is 10).346
ErrorsExecutable statement count is 41 (max allowed is 30).346
ErrorsNCSS for this method is 56 (max allowed is 50).346
ErrorsNPath Complexity is 720 (max allowed is 200).346
ErrorsReturn count is 3 (max allowed is 2).346
ErrorsName 'HEADER_HAS_LENGTH_INDEX' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.347
ErrorsName 'HEADER_HAS_SEQUENCE_INDEX' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.349
Errors'256' is a magic number.367
Errors'256' is a magic number.407
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.433
Errors'8' is a magic number.434
Errors'16' is a magic number.434
Errors'32' is a magic number.434
Errors'256' is a magic number.466
ErrorsReturn count is 4 (max allowed is 2).479
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.497
Errors'0xFF' is a magic number.498


ErrorsName 'divideByOne' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.26
ErrorsName 'addToZero' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.27
ErrorsName 'ID' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.29
ErrorsName 'ID' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.41
ErrorsName 'ID' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.44
ErrorsName 'ID' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.47
ErrorsName 'ID' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.51
ErrorsName 'ID' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.54
ErrorsName 'ID' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.58
ErrorsThe String "ID is null, needs to be a valid string!" appears 2 times in the file.65
ErrorsCyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10).75
ErrorsName 'ID' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.75
Errors'8' is a magic number.88
Errors'16' is a magic number.90
Errors'32' is a magic number.92


ErrorsReturn count is 4 (max allowed is 2).40


ErrorsReturn count is 6 (max allowed is 2).40


ErrorsArray brackets at illegal position.52
ErrorsVariable 'realMinAndMaxFound' explicitly initialized to 'false' (default value for its type).57
ErrorsVariable 'displayMinAndMaxSet' explicitly initialized to 'false' (default value for its type).63
ErrorsName 'PCS' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.74
Errors'3' is a magic number.111
ErrorsName 'PCL' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.160
ErrorsName 'PCL' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.164
ErrorsReturn count is 3 (max allowed is 2).178
ErrorsThrows count is 2 (max allowed is 1).179
ErrorsThe String "Unsupported" appears 2 times in the file.183
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.284


ErrorsVariable access definition in wrong order.38
ErrorsVariable access definition in wrong order.39
ErrorsVariable access definition in wrong order.40
ErrorsVariable access definition in wrong order.43
ErrorsName 'recordCountKey' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.43
ErrorsVariable access definition in wrong order.44
ErrorsName 'tempResetKey' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.44
ErrorsVariable access definition in wrong order.45
ErrorsName 'elapsedTimeKey' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.45
ErrorsVariable access definition in wrong order.55
ErrorsName 'PCS' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.55
ErrorsVariable 'PCS' must be private and have accessor methods.55
ErrorsVariable 'logStatusMessage' explicitly initialized to 'null' (default value for its type).57
ErrorsName 'GDE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.111
ErrorsVariable 'GDE' should be declared final.111
ErrorsExecutable statement count is 32 (max allowed is 30).129
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.132
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.132
ErrorsVariable 'ourRuntime' should be declared final.136
ErrorsLine is longer than 160 characters.138
ErrorsThe String ", Free: " appears 2 times in the file.138
ErrorsThe String ", Total: " appears 2 times in the file.138
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.152
ErrorsLine is longer than 160 characters.156
Errors'+' should be on a new line.159
Errors'+' should be on a new line.160
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.161
ErrorsVariable 'oldLogStatus' should be declared final.185
ErrorsMethod 'setLogStatusMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.245
ErrorsParameter message should be final.245


Errors'600' is a magic number.71
Errors'400' is a magic number.71
Errors'600' is a magic number.74
Errors'20' is a magic number.74
Errors'10' is a magic number.82
Errors'10' is a magic number.84
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.98
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.98
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.136
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.136
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.143
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.143
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.157
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.162
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.164
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.177
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.178
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.179
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.198
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.200
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.203
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.205
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.217
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.218
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.219
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.237
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.237
Errors'8' is a magic number.238
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.240
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.247
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.249
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.257
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.259
ErrorsMethod 'isZoomedOutBeyondOneToOne' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.267
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.267
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.323
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.323
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.325
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.325
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.328
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.328
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.337
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.351
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.351
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.361
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.372
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.375
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.407
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.409
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.422
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.422
Errors'50' is a magic number.506
ErrorsCyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10).519
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.525
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.527
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.528
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.528
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.533
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.539
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.540
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.540
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.545
ErrorsCyclomatic Complexity is 31 (max allowed is 10).554
ErrorsExecutable statement count is 49 (max allowed is 30).554
ErrorsNCSS for this method is 79 (max allowed is 50).554
ErrorsNPath Complexity is 2,049 (max allowed is 200).554
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.556
Errors'0.75' is a magic number.599
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.605
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.605
Errors'0.75' is a magic number.610
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.619
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.619
Errors'0.75' is a magic number.624
Errors'0.75' is a magic number.634
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.640
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.640
Errors'0.75' is a magic number.645
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.654
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.654
Errors'0.75' is a magic number.659


Errors'2.5' is a magic number.60
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.83
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.83
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.94
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.94
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.107
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.107
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.108
Errors'6' is a magic number.109
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.112
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.112
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.125
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.125
ErrorsVariable 'fm' should be declared final.131
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.138
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.138
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.139
ErrorsVariable 'positionData' should be declared final.141
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.142
Errors'0.5' is a magic number.142
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.142
ErrorsVariable 'stringWidth' should be declared final.147
Errors'18' is a magic number.148
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.152
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.152
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.160
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.160
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.164
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.164
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.165
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.169
Errors'100.0' is a magic number.206
ErrorsVariable 'count' should be declared final.207
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.207
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.207
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.209
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.210
Errors'3' is a magic number.211
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.215
Errors'3' is a magic number.216
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.254
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.260
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.260
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.270
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.273
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.274
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.292
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.297
Errors'16' is a magic number.297
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.297
Errors'16' is a magic number.298
Errors'15' is a magic number.299
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.299


ErrorsName 'FPScounter' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.44
ErrorsVariable 'FPScounter' explicitly initialized to '0' (default value for its type).44
ErrorsName 'FPS' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.45
ErrorsVariable 'FPS' explicitly initialized to '0' (default value for its type).45
Errors'255' is a magic number.49
Errors'255' is a magic number.49
Errors'255' is a magic number.49
Errors'100' is a magic number.49
Errors'170' is a magic number.50
Errors'-100' is a magic number.56
Errors'-100' is a magic number.57
ErrorsCyclomatic Complexity is 14 (max allowed is 10).62
ErrorsExecutable statement count is 49 (max allowed is 30).62
ErrorsNCSS for this method is 58 (max allowed is 50).62
Errors'1000' is a magic number.66
Errors'1000' is a magic number.71
Errors'0.001' is a magic number.71
Errors'12' is a magic number.81
Errors'3' is a magic number.95
Errors'4' is a magic number.96
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.112
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.112
ErrorsNested if-else depth is 3 (max allowed is 2).125
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.125
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.125
Errors'15' is a magic number.128
Errors'8' is a magic number.128
Errors'15' is a magic number.128
Errors'15' is a magic number.130
Errors'15' is a magic number.130


Errors'400' is a magic number.47
Errors'600' is a magic number.47
Errors'99' is a magic number.48
ErrorsControl variable 'i' is modified.105


ErrorsName 'GDE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.49
ErrorsVariable 'zoomedOut' should be declared final.80
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.81
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.81
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.83
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.83
ErrorsCyclomatic Complexity is 16 (max allowed is 10).91
ErrorsExecutable statement count is 37 (max allowed is 30).91
ErrorsNPath Complexity is 258 (max allowed is 200).91
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.110
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.110
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.115
Errors'try' is not followed by whitespace.123
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.123
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.125
Errors'try' is not followed by whitespace.129
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.129
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.131
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.137
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.137
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.141
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.141
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.150
Errors'5' is a magic number.150
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.150
Errors'3' is a magic number.154
Errors'3' is a magic number.154
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.155
Errors'3' is a magic number.156
Errors'3' is a magic number.156
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.165
Errors'GDE' hides a field.195
ErrorsName 'GDE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.195
ErrorsVariable 'zoomedOut' should be declared final.213
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.215
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.215
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.229
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.229
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.250
ErrorsParameter cursorPosition should be final.250
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.250
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.274
ErrorsVariable 'graphWindowWidth' should be declared final.275
Errors'3' is a magic number.278
ErrorsCyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10).297
ErrorsExecutable statement count is 34 (max allowed is 30).297
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.299
ErrorsVariable 'graphWindowWidth' should be declared final.300
Errors'+=' is not preceded with whitespace.324
Errors'+=' is not followed by whitespace.324
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.333
ErrorsNested if-else depth is 3 (max allowed is 2).338
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.338
ErrorsNested if-else depth is 3 (max allowed is 2).341
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.341
ErrorsVariable 'averageData' should be declared final.346
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.347
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.350
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.382
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.382


ErrorsClass Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 7) classes [ActionListener, ActiveHeaderLabel, ArrayList, ContainerListener, Dimension, JButton, JLayeredPane, JPanel, JScrollPane, ModifyGraphPane, MouseMotionAdapter].56
ErrorsDeclaring variables, return values or parameters of type 'ArrayList' is not allowed.87
ErrorsVariable 'scroll' should be declared final.100
ErrorsVariable 'ih' should be declared final.112
Errors'1280' is a magic number.119
ErrorsInstance variable definition in wrong order.123
ErrorsParameter e should be final.125
ErrorsInstance variable definition in wrong order.130
ErrorsInstance variable definition in wrong order.137
ErrorsAnonymous inner class length is 28 lines (max allowed is 20).137
ErrorsCyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10).194
ErrorsName 'GCB' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.201
ErrorsControl variable 'i' is modified.208
ErrorsInstance variable definition in wrong order.244
ErrorsAnonymous inner class length is 31 lines (max allowed is 20).244
ErrorsName 'GCB' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.249
Errors'16' is a magic number.253
ErrorsNested if-else depth is 3 (max allowed is 2).259
ErrorsName 'GCB' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.276
ErrorsExecutable statement count is 35 (max allowed is 30).289
ErrorsMethod 'updateFromLog' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.289
ErrorsDeclaring variables, return values or parameters of type 'ArrayList' is not allowed.305
ErrorsName 'GDE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.312
ErrorsParameter GCB should be final.344
ErrorsName 'GCB' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.344
ErrorsParameter GDE should be final.344
ErrorsName 'GDE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.344
ErrorsName 'GDE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.363
ErrorsVariable 'GDE' must be private and have accessor methods.363
ErrorsName 'AHL' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.364
ErrorsVariable 'AHL' must be private and have accessor methods.364
ErrorsVariable 'c' should be declared final.409
ErrorsExecutable statement count is 34 (max allowed is 30).419
Errors'10' is a magic number.423
Errors'10' is a magic number.424
Errors'100' is a magic number.438
Errors'20' is a magic number.439
Errors'100' is a magic number.440
Errors'20' is a magic number.440
Errors'40' is a magic number.441
Errors'60' is a magic number.442
Errors'100' is a magic number.443
Errors'60' is a magic number.443
Errors'80' is a magic number.444
Errors'500' is a magic number.456
Errors'180' is a magic number.456
Errors'210' is a magic number.456
Errors'133' is a magic number.456
ErrorsParameter gde should be final.462
ErrorsParameter ahl should be final.462
ErrorsCatching 'Exception' is not allowed.474
ErrorsThe String "TODO: do something with Auto field" appears 2 times in the file.475
ErrorsCatching 'Exception' is not allowed.480
ErrorsName 'GDE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.494
ErrorsAnonymous inner class length is 56 lines (max allowed is 20).500
ErrorsParameter e should be final.503
Errors'16' is a magic number.504
Errors'18' is a magic number.506
ErrorsParameter e should be final.515
ErrorsParameter e should be final.519
ErrorsParameter e should be final.523
ErrorsName 'GCB' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.524
ErrorsVariable 'GCB' should be declared final.524
ErrorsParameter e should be final.529
ErrorsName 'GCB' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.530
ErrorsVariable 'GCB' should be declared final.530
ErrorsParameter x should be final.568
ErrorsParameter y should be final.568
ErrorsParameter widht should be final.568
ErrorsParameter height should be final.568
ErrorsParameter GDE should be final.575
Errors'GDE' hides a field.575
ErrorsName 'GDE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.575
ErrorsParameter e should be final.584
ErrorsThe String "<HTML> Data Stream: </b>" appears 2 times in the file.590
ErrorsThe String "<br>To modify Min and Max values for scaling purposes Ctrl+LeftClick</HTML>" appears 2 times in the file.595
ErrorsParameter previousPanel should be final.615
ErrorsParameter dragging should be final.631
ErrorsParameter selected should be final.635
ErrorsParameter o should be final.658
ErrorsName 'GCB' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.660
ErrorsVariable 'GCB' should be declared final.660


ErrorsClass Data Abstraction Coupling is 19 (max allowed is 7) classes [ActionListener, ArrayList, BorderLayout, BufferedWriter, Color, Dimension, File, FileReader, FileWriter, FlowLayout, JButton, JMenu, JMenuBar, JMenuItem, JPanel, JScrollPane, PropertyPanel, Scanner, SingleProperty].59
ErrorsClass Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20).59
ErrorsName 'OLVProperties' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.62
Errors'350' is a magic number.71
Errors'500' is a magic number.71
Errors'550' is a magic number.72
Errors'500' is a magic number.72
Errors'400' is a magic number.78
ErrorsThe String ".OpenLogViewer" appears 3 times in the file.102
ErrorsThe String "OLVProperties.olv" appears 2 times in the file.108
ErrorsName 'IOE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.115
ErrorsCatching 'Exception' is not allowed.122
ErrorsName 'E' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.122
ErrorsParameter evt should be final.137
ErrorsVariable 's' should be declared final.138
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.139
ErrorsVariable 'newprop' should be declared final.140
ErrorsParameter evt should be final.150
Errors'500' is a magic number.163
Errors'32' is a magic number.163
ErrorsVariable 'okButton' should be declared final.166
ErrorsVariable 'cancel' should be declared final.167
ErrorsParameter e should be final.172
ErrorsParameter e should be final.181
ErrorsVariable 'scan' should be declared final.196
ErrorsVariable 'propLine' should be declared final.199
ErrorsVariable 'sp' should be declared final.200
ErrorsVariable 'prop' should be declared final.201
Errors'3' is a magic number.207
Errors'4' is a magic number.208
Errors'5' is a magic number.209
Errors'6' is a magic number.210
ErrorsName 'FNF' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.215
ErrorsCatching 'Exception' is not allowed.234
ErrorsVariable 'pp' should be declared final.242
ErrorsVariable 'pp' should be declared final.249
ErrorsVariable 'pp' should be declared final.263
ErrorsVariable 'pp' should be declared final.272
Errors'60' is a magic number.277
ErrorsVariable 'pp' should be declared final.303
Errors'60' is a magic number.311
ErrorsControl variable 'i' is modified.314
ErrorsClass Data Abstraction Coupling is 8 (max allowed is 7) classes [Dimension, FlowLayout, JCheckBox, JComboBox, JLabel, JPanel, JTextField, MouseListener].320
ErrorsVariable 'sp' must be private and have accessor methods.322
ErrorsVariable 'check' must be private and have accessor methods.323
ErrorsVariable 'colorBox' must be private and have accessor methods.324
ErrorsVariable 'minBox' must be private and have accessor methods.325
ErrorsVariable 'maxBox' must be private and have accessor methods.326
ErrorsVariable 'splitBox' must be private and have accessor methods.327
ErrorsVariable 'activeBox' must be private and have accessor methods.328
ErrorsExecutable statement count is 39 (max allowed is 30).330
Errors'10' is a magic number.333
Errors'500' is a magic number.335
Errors'50' is a magic number.335
ErrorsVariable 'minLabel' should be declared final.336
ErrorsVariable 'maxLabel' should be declared final.337
ErrorsVariable 'colorLabel' should be declared final.338
ErrorsVariable 'splitLabel' should be declared final.339
ErrorsVariable 'activeLabel' should be declared final.340
Errors'15' is a magic number.342
Errors'20' is a magic number.342
Errors'50' is a magic number.345
Errors'20' is a magic number.345
Errors'50' is a magic number.348
Errors'20' is a magic number.348
Errors'30' is a magic number.352
Errors'20' is a magic number.352
ErrorsVariable 'tf' should be declared final.353
Errors'60' is a magic number.360
Errors'20' is a magic number.360
ErrorsAnonymous inner class length is 29 lines (max allowed is 20).363
ErrorsParameter e should be final.366
ErrorsVariable 'newColor' should be declared final.367
ErrorsParameter e should be final.377
ErrorsParameter e should be final.381
ErrorsParameter e should be final.385
ErrorsParameter e should be final.389
ErrorsParameter sp should be final.414
ErrorsVariable 'active' should be declared final.423
ErrorsParameter pp should be final.436


ErrorsParameter GDE should be final.45
ErrorsName 'GDE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.45
ErrorsParameter split should be final.95
ErrorsAssignment of parameter 'split' is not allowed.97
ErrorsThe String "," appears 6 times in the file.113
ErrorsDefinition of 'equals()' without corresponding definition of 'hashCode()'.125
Errorscovariant equals without overriding equals(java.lang.Object).125